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|| Music News || 'Even If' Live on Veronica & Other stories...

Oh dear oh dear my dear I am still alive!! Oh how alive!!! It’s been a mad few weeks, weeks I could have only ever dreamed off; gigs, gigs, gigs, radio shows, music industry talks and seminars, meetings with booking agent and label, studio days for new recordings, more gigs and more to come… and then in between seeing some amazing friends and getting on with my 2017 plans which are already making me look forward to this next year! I shall share more on that when plans are allowed to be revealed ;-) At the top of this post there is a click-able picture-link to the live version of ‘Even If’ that I performed with the full band at Radio Veronica’s show ‘Countdown Cafe’ (so sad that this was the last one for them...) which was broadcasted live from ‘de Vorstin’ in Hilversum on the 2nd of December. This was my first big time live broadcasted full band performance and with a full 250 capacity venue and a restless crowd this was quite an enjoyable challenge, I loved it tons and am so blessed to have such wonderful musicians to play with!!!! Hope some more videos of it will be posted out soon, keep an eye on the socials for that!! If you’d want to hear the full performance (5 songs) there is a podcast of it HERE (from 44 minutes in) I am now sat here writing away in bed (yes it’s mid-day, whatever… hehe) last night’s gig in Utrecht was wonderful and it was also rather late coming back to home-ground/bed/tired-me-needed-sleep-badly. I was joined by an old-time friend “Marlon Penn’ who is a rather wonderful musician and artist/creator in his own right who I know from my Tilburg days, oh dear that goes back about 11 years now....... He played some drums with me and sang some beautiful harmonies, I loved it!! In recent weeks since my journey back to London on the 21st of November there were a couple of gigs at the Green Note in London - one supporting the amazing Beatrix Players for their Single Launch, and one supporting the Scottisch Findlay Napier. What a blissful venue to play!! I hold such love for this little live music gem! Then there was a full day at ‘From Me To You’ a music industry/networking/informative kind of day from and for artists organised by the wonderful Roxanne de Bastion and the “Featured Artist Coalition” There were talks by Spotify, Imogen Heap (about Mycelia) and a panel on Crowdfunding which I got to sit in on to share my own stories. Then I got to go to a country-retreat studio-recording-space to record some of the next Album together with my friend Stephen Hodd who’s music I absolute LOVE so endlessly (some of it HERE), it was absolute magic. We spend 3,5 days in a little cottage by the river Deben (In Suffolk, UK) planning to record 3 tracks we ended up with time for 4. I am so happy with what we’ve made and I can’t wait for the next stint of recording with him which will be some time this Winter. Here’s some images of the studio adventures and gigs:

Then upon coming back from the studio there was a wonderful gig playing ‘The Round’ in Rolling Stock on Kingland Road, London where we had three songwriters on stage and talked more about the process of writing. And another one at the Loughton Folk club where I got to have a chat with my friend Stephen’s brother - Dylan Hodd - Who is a rather wonderful painter! I so love his work do check it out HERE

We had Sound of Songs in London last Sunday with Sasha and Nick Edward Harris and the last Amsterdam SoS for the year coming up tomorrow. Sadly Stephen Hodd (PillarCat) can’t make it as there were some family emergencies that meant he had to cancel his Dutch trip but Potman Junior (from Utrecht) will be taking his place.

3 more gigs to ring out 2016 and then I will have a little down-time to rest and write at my friends farm. Do come say hello if you’re around: 11th December - Sound of Songs Amsterdam // De Nieuwe Anita // 7pm 17th December - FoodHallen Apeldoorn // 1pm 18th December - Groofz Enschede // (Daytime) more info coming soon For now, that will be all, but I will be back with more soon! Sending love to you all!! x Gitta

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